CAPE Forum is a meeting organised once per year by the volunteers. Its objective is creation of the opportunity for networking by younger members of CAPE community and presentation of non-published results of their research. The original idea of the Forum was the creation of the independent from CAPE WP platform of activity. The autonomy of the decisions by Forum organisers should be preserved to better serve the original aim of the Forum:

  • The format and scope of the CAPE Forum is decided by the organiser of the meeting.
  • It is not required that the responsible person for the organisation of the meeting should be a member of CAPE WP.
  • It is suggested that CAPE WP Chairperson is supporting the organisers according to their wishes and existing technical and organisational possibilities.
  • The Chairperson should support the Chair of EURECHA to ensure the continuity of the event by encouraging volunteering to organise CAPE Forum.

It is suggested that the information about the CAPE Forum (place, time, participation, scope) will be given at the CAPE WP business meeting and presented on CAPE WP website as well as EURECHA Website.

Planned event

CAPE Forum 2025: Italy

CAPE Forum 2024: Brno-Kharkiv-Lviv, Czech Republic – Ukraine

Past events

CAPE Forum 2023:  University of Porto – Faculty of Engineering, 06-08 September 2023  –

CAPE Forum 2022: University of Twente, The Netherlands, 14.09.2022-16.09.2022. Organized by Prof. Edwin Zondervan – CAPE Forum 2022 – Process Systems Engineering NL (

  CAPE Forum 2021: VIRTUAL EVENT, Istanbul, Turkey, 10.06.2021 – 11.06.2021. Organized by Prof. Metin Turkay.

 CAPE Forum 2020: VIRTUAL EVENT, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 07.10.2020-09.10.2020. Organized by Prof. Gurkan Sin and Prof. Seyed S. Mansouri.

 CAPE Forum 2019: University of Liège, Belgium 24.11.2019 – 26.11.2019. organized by Prof. Grégoire Léonard and Dr.-Ing. Filip Logist.

CAPE Forum 2018: University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, 15.11.2018 – 17.11.2018, organized by Prof. Valentin Plesu.

CAPE Forum 2017: NTUA, Chemical Engineering School, Greece, 06.09.2017 – 08.09.2017, organized by Prof Antonios Kokossis.

 CAPE Forum 2016: PFL Valais-Wallis, Sion, Switzerland, 30.03.2016 – 01.04.2016, organized by Prof. François Maréchal.

 CAPE Forum 2015: University of Paderborn, Germany, 27.04.2015 – 29.04.2015, organized by Prof. Eugeny Kenig.

 CAPE Forum 2014 (Joint Event: MOSAIC Platform Workshop): Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 14.05.2014 – 18.05.2014, organized by Profs. Davide Manca, Flavio Manenti, Sauro Pierucci.

 CAPE Forum 2013: TU-Graz, Austria, 07.04.2013 – 10.04.2013, organized by Prof. Michael Narodoslawsky

 CAPE Forum 2012: University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary, 26.03.2012 – 28.03.2012, organised by Prof. Jiří Klemeš and Dr Petar Varbanov