Every year, Eurecha organizes the Student Contest Problem, a challenge for CAPE-students that have to suggest solutions to a broad chemical engineering problem.

SCP2023 – Manufacturing Chemical Products from CO2 using Renewable Energy Resources https://www.wp-cape.eu/index.php/student-contest-problem/


AVEVA has announced its annual Process Simulation Competition for students in North America and Europe. The competition will provide an opportunity for students to participate in an internship at AVEVA or receive a $3,000 cash prize.

The AVEVA Process Simulation Competition, now in its 4th year, is designed to provide students with a unique opportunity to develop their process simulation skills. Students are invited to solve real-world engineering problems utilizing AVEVA Process Simulation, an innovative integrated platform covering the complete engineering lifecycle of design, simulation and training, and developed to enable the next generation of engineers. It is easy-to-learn software so students with no prior experience are also encouraged to enter.

This year’s competition addresses one of the big challenges of transitioning to sustainable energy – storage. Currently, most research focuses on grid storage solutions that incorporate large batteries, hydroelectric storage, fuel cells, or chemical storage methods. This year’s AVEVA Process Simulation Competition will ask students to explore the process design choices that must be analyzed to store energy in the form of methanol.

Participants can access more information and enter the competition online before Jan 4th, 2022 on the AVEVA Process Simulation Competition 2022 webpage.