The CAPE award for a recent innovative contribution (RIC) is given every four years in recognition of an outstanding innovative contribution to recent advances in CAPE ideas, methods and/or tools. Recent means within the last 4 years from the current date.

The award will include a “framed award certificate” together with a medal which both are to be approved by the CAPE Working Party. The award is not monetary.

Eligibility and Criteria for giving the awards

  • The nomination of the candidates will be based upon the scope and significance of their contribution and/or achievements for the advancement of science and technology within CAPE (the EFCE CAPE Working Party defines the scope of CAPE).
  • Only CAPE Working Party members can submit nominations. Members of the CAPE community or a National Society should submit nominations through their national delegate.
  • Self-nominations are excluded.
  • No more than one nomination can be submitted by the same person.
  • Eligibility criteria shall be updated according to the applicable EFCE rules approved for equivalent situations

Award will be given only if a minimum of 3 nominations are received

Based on the submission of proposed candidates, the CAPE WP Awards Committee will nominate at most three of the submitted candidates, and distribute the relevant information at latest two weeks before the next WP business meeting.

The CAPE WP at the business meeting will select one of the nominated candidates as the award winner. The selection will be based on votes (one vote per CAPE-WP sitting member present). The selection will require the backing from at least two-thirds of the delegates and elected members present at the meeting and voting. If, after an initial ballot, none of the candidates obtains this required support, the candidate with a fewer number of votes will be eliminated and a new ballot will be organized with the rest of candidates. This procedure will be repeated if required until one candidate receives 2/3 of the votes or only one candidate remains. In this last case (only one candidate is maintained), if he/she does not receive the required support of 2/3 of the votes, no award will be given that year.

If there is more than one exceptional candidate and the CAPE WP members all agree, then a special case may be considered.

If a candidate is selected by the CAPE Working Party for an award, the award will be given at the next ESCAPE meeting (one year later), where the candidate will be given the opportunity to present a keynote talk. The cost of the award winner’s ESCAPE conference participation will be covered by the local ESCAPE organizers. Once the selected candidate has accepted to receive the award this information will be announced through a press release and posted on various websites (the CAPE WP website, the EFCE website, ….) and may be used by the local organizing committee to promote the ESCAPE series.

At the ESCAPE meeting, there will be a CAPE Awards session where the chairman of the CAPE award committee will introduce the award winner. The award should normally be presented jointly by the local host (or a representative for the host) and the chairman of the CAPE Working Party. The chairman of the CAPE Awards Committee and the local ESCAPE meeting chairman should together chair the special awards session.

Frequency of the award:

The award is given every four years.

Template for award recommendation:

All nominations should follow the proposed template. The awards committee may ask the nominee for further information and/or data.

  1. List of nominators and their signature
  2. Scope & significance of the contribution (provide a short description highlighting the scope & significance of the contributions, etc.) of the candidate. Scope in terms of application range, problems solved, etc. of the contribution; and significance of the contribution in terms of the value of the contribution, state of the art, etc.; max 4 pages
  3. References and citations (related to the listed contributions) – minimum 3
  4. Short CV

RIC award winners

2023: Prof. Anton Kiss – Prof. David Bogle

2019: Prof. André Bardow – Prof. Joachim Gross