The CAPE award for long term achievements (LTA) is given in recognition of a collection of outstanding achievements over an extended period of time (> 10 years) to the CAPE community (and specifically to the EFCE CAPE-WP) and to CAPE methods, tools and/or applications for the advancement of science, engineering and technology. The winner will have the opportunity to present a keynote talk a ESCAPE. The cost of the award winner’s ESCAPE conference participation will be covered by the local ESCAPE organizers.
The award will include a “framed award certificate” together with a medal which both are to be approved by the CAPE Working Party. LTA award is not monetary.
Eligibility and Criteria for giving the awards
- The nomination of the candidates will be based upon the scope and significance of their contribution and/or achievements for the advancement of science and technology within CAPE (the EFCE CAPE Working Party defines the scope of CAPE).
- Only CAPE Working Party members can submit nominations. Members of the CAPE community or a National Society should submit nominations through their national delegate.
- Self-nominations are excluded.
- No more than one nomination can be submitted by the same person.
- Eligibility criteria shall be updated according to the applicable EFCE rules approved for equivalent situations
Frequency of the award:
The award is given every four years.
Award will be given only if a minimum of 3 nominations are received
Template for award recommendation:
All nominations should follow the proposed template. The awards committee may ask the nominee for further information and/or data.
- List of nominators and their signature
- A short description of the contributions and achievements of the candidate
- Citations – minimum 3
- CV (if available, otherwise, a collection of the publicly available information in terms of the current job, experience, publications, citations, etc., – information that may be obtained from the internet or supplied by colleagues of the candidate)
Submission of nominations:
The nominations for the LTA award should be sent to the current chairman of the CAPE-awards committee with a copy to the CAPE-WP chairman.
LTA Winners
2021: Professor Lorenz Biegler
2017: Prof. Ignacio Grossman
2013: Prof. Peter Glavic & Prof. Gintaras V. Reklaitis